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Nautobot v2.0

This document describes all new features and changes in Nautobot 2.0.


Please thoroughly review the release overview below to see what changes may affect you during upgrade. Our "Upgrading from Nautobot v1.X" guide provides a lot of information around pre- and post-migration helpers we have written that should assist you in a successful 2.0 upgrade. If you have any questions, please reach out to us on the #nautobot channel on Network to Code's Slack community or GitHub Discussions.

Release Overview


Alpha UI 2.0 (#3142)

Nautobot 2.0 includes an "alpha" version of a new user interface (UI) for Nautobot, based on the React web framework.

Changed in version 2.0.3

This UI is disabled by default but can be enabled as an option by setting the ENABLE_ALPHA_UI setting to True in your and then running nautobot-server build_ui.

Users can switch between the existing UI and new UI for views supported in the new UI via a "View in New UI" link in the page footer of the existing UI and a "Return to Legacy UI" link in the left sidebar of the new UI.


The new UI also includes a "Submit Feedback" link that can be used to easily submit feedback regarding the new UI to the Nautobot maintainers.

As of Nautobot release 2.0.0, the new UI supports read-only access to Locations, Device Types, Devices, Prefixes, and IP Addresses; these views will be enhanced and refined, and support for additional models and workflows will be added, throughout the Nautobot 2.x release lifecycle.


As of Nautobot release 2.0.0, the new UI, as an alpha feature, does not yet support Nautobot Apps (plugins), but this capability will be added and supported in a future release.

Assign an IP Address to Multiple Interfaces (#2403)

Introduced the ability to assign one IPAddress to multiple Interfaces/Devices and VMInterfaces/VirtualMachines by creating a many to many relationship between IPAddress and Interface/VMInterface models represented as a through table model IPAddressToInterface. This feature allows you to model a network environment where you have anycast IPAddresses are shared extensively among a large number of Devices/VirtualMachines.

As a result of this feature and associated changes, you can no longer assign Interfaces/VMInterfaces during bulk creation of IPAddresses, but a separate bulk-create endpoint has been introduced to allow the bulk import of IPAddressToInterface assignments.

Generic Role Model (#1063)

DeviceRole, RackRole, IPAM Role, and IPAddressRoleChoices have all been merged into a single generic Role model. A Rolecan now be created and associated to one or more of the content-types that support reference to a role. These model content-types include dcim.device, dcim.rack, virtualization.virtualmachine, ipam.ipaddress, ipam.prefix, and ipam.vlan.

IPAM Namespaces (#3337)

The new Namespace model expands on the functionality previously provided by VRF.enforce_unique and the ENFORCE_GLOBAL_UNIQUE settings flag, both of which have now been removed. Within a namespace, all VRFs, prefixes, and IP addresses must be unique and non-duplicated. For more details please refer to the documentation.

Natural Key Support Across Nautobot Models (#2900)

Nautobot's BaseModel base class and related classes now implement automatic support for Django natural keys for lookup and referencing. For example:

>>> DeviceType.objects.first().natural_key()
['MegaCorp', 'Model 9000']

>>> DeviceType.objects.get_by_natural_key("MegaCorp", "Model 9000")
<DeviceType: Model 9000>

Developers can refer to the documentation on natural keys for details on how to support and use this feature.

Two new configuration settings, DEVICE_NAME_AS_NATURAL_KEY and LOCATION_NAME_AS_NATURAL_KEY, have been added to allow an administrator to customize the natural-key behavior of these two widely-used models.

REST API Query Depth Parameter (#3042)

Added the ?depth query parameter in Nautobot v2.X to replace the ?brief parameter in the REST API. It enables nested serialization functionality and offers a more dynamic and comprehensive browsable API. It allows users greater control of the API response data and it is available for both retrieving a single object and a list of objects. This parameter is a positive integer value that can range from 0 to 10. To learn more more, check out the documentation on the ?depth query parameter.

Site Fields Added to Location (#2954)

Added Site Model Fields to Location. Location Model now has asn, comments, contact_email, contact_name, contact_phone, facility, latitude, longitude, physical_address, shipping_address and time_zone fields.


Aggregate Model Migrated to Prefix (#3302)

The ipam.Aggregate model has been removed and all existing aggregates will be migrated to ipam.Prefix with type set to "Container". The Aggregate.date_added field will be migrated to Prefix.date_allocated and changed from a Date field to a DateTime field with the time set to 00:00. Aggregate.tenant, Aggregate.rir and Aggregate.description will be migrated over to the same fields on Prefix.

See the upgrade guide for more details on the data migration.

Changed created Field to DateTimeField for ChangeLoggedModel (#2076)

The created field of all models that inherit from ChangedLoggedModel, which includes OrganizationalModel and PrimaryModel and therefore most objects in the core data model, has been changed from a DateField to a DateTimeField for added granularity. Preexisting records will show as created at midnight UTC on their original creation date.

All such objects may now be filtered by date or time or a combination of both. All other date-based behavior such as filtering works as it did before.

Collapsed nautobot.utilities into nautobot.core (#2721)

nautobot.utilities no longer exists as a separate Python module or Django app. Its functionality has been collapsed into the nautobot.core app. See details at Python Code Location Changes.

Collapsed Region and Site Models into Location (#2517)

Initial Data Migration

The Site and Region models have been removed in v2.0 and have been replaced with Location of specific LocationType. As a result, the existing Site and Region data will be migrated to corresponding LocationType and Location objects. Here is what to expect:

  1. If you do not have any Site and Region instances in your existing database, running this data migration will do nothing.
  2. If you only have Region instances in your existing database, a LocationType named Region will be created and for each legacy Region instance, a corresponding Location instance with the same attributes (id, name, description, etc.) and hierarchy will be created.
  3. If you only have Site instances in your existing database:

    • A LocationType named Site will be created and every preexisting root level LocationType in your database will be updated to have the new Site LocationType as their parent.

    • For each legacy Site instance, a corresponding Location instance with the same attributes (id, name, description, tenant, facility, asn, latitude, longitude, etc.) will be created, and any preexisting Locations in your database will be updated to have the appropriate "site" Locations as their parents.

    • Model instances that had a site field (CircuitTermination, Device, PowerPanel, RackGroup, Rack, Prefix, VLANGroup, VLAN, Cluster) assigned and did not have a location attribute assigned will be updated to have their location point to the new Location corresponding to that Site. All other attributes on these models will remain unchanged.

    • Model instances that were previously associated to the ContentType for Site (ComputedField, CustomField, CustomLink, ExportTemplate, ImageAttachment, JobHook, Note, Relationship, Status, Tag and Webhook) will have their ContentType replaced with Location. All other attributes on these models will remain unchanged.

    For Example:

    • We will start with a Site instance with name AMS01 as the base Site for two top-level Location objects with names root-01 and root-02 respectively.

    • During the data migration, a LocationType named Site will be created, and a Location of Site LocationType named AMS01 with all the information (asn, latitude, etc.) from the base Site will be created.

    • The Location objects named root-01 and root-02 will have this AMS01 Location set as their parent.

  4. If you have both Site and Region instances in your existing database:

    • A LocationType named Region will be created.

    • For each legacy Region instance, a corresponding Location instance with the same attributes (id, name, description, etc.) will be created.

    • A LocationType named Site will be created with the new LocationType named Region set as its parent.

    • Every pre-existing root-level LocationType in your database will be updated to have the new LocationType named Site as its parent.

    • For each legacy Site instance, a corresponding "site" Location instance with the same attributes (id, name, description, tenant, facility, asn, latitude, longitude, etc.) will be created with its parent set to the corresponding "region" Location if any.

      • If you have Site instances in your database without a Region assigned to them, one additional Location named Global Region of LocationType Region will be created and each Location of LocationType Site created from the legacy region-less Site instances will have the Global Region Location as their parent.
    • Model instances that had a site attribute (CircuitTermination, Device, Location, PowerPanel, Rack, RackGroup, Prefix, VLANGroup, VLAN, Cluster) assigned and did not have a location attribute assigned will be updated to have their location point to the new Location of LocationType Site. All other attributes on these models will remain unchanged.

    • Model instances that were previously associated to the ContentType for Site or Region (ComputedField, CustomField, CustomLink, ExportTemplate, ImageAttachment, JobHook, Note, Relationship, Status, Tag and Webhook) will have their ContentType replaced with Location. All other attributes on these models will remain unchanged.

    For Example:

    • There are two Site instances and one Region instance in your existing database. The Region with name America has one child Site instance named AMS01. And the other Site instance named AUS01 is not associated with any Region (region attribute is set to None).

    • The Site AMS01 is the base Site for two top-level Location objects with names root-01 and root-02 respectively.

    • During the data migration, a LocationType named Region and a Location of this LocationType named America with all the same information will be created.

    • The LocationType named Site with its parent set as the new LocationType Region and a Location of LocationType named AMS01 with all the same information (asn, latitude, etc.) will be created. The Location AMS01 will have Location America as its parent and each - Location root-01 and root-02 will have Location AMS01 as its parent.

    • Finally, the Site instance AUS01, since it does not have a Region instance associated with it, its corresponding Location AUS01 will have a new Location named Global Region of LocationType Region as its parent.

    • In addition, legacy Site instance with name AMS01 also has three Device instances associated with it named ams01-edge-01, ams01-edge-02, and ams01-edge-03.

    • However, ams01-edge-01 only has its site attribute set as Site AMS01 whereas ams01-edge-02 and ams01-edge-03 have both its site and location attributes set Site AMS01 and Location root-01 respectively.

    • During the data migration, ams01-edge-01's location attribute will point to the new Location of LocationType Site with name AMS01 while devices ams01-edge-02 and ams01-edge-03 will remain unchanged.

Region and Site relationships are being removed from these models: CircuitTermination, Device, Location, Rack, RackGroup, PowerFeed, PowerPanel, ConfigContext, Prefix, VLAN, VLANGroup, Cluster.

The ContentType for Region and Site are being replaced with Location on these models: ComputedField, CustomField, CustomLink, ExportTemplate, ImageAttachment, JobHook, Note, Relationship, Status, Tag and Webhook.

The region and site fields are being removed in the filter data of DynamicGroup objects. The previously associated values are being added to the existing location field and its associated list of filter values or to a new location key with an empty list if one does not exist.

Check out the API and UI endpoints changes incurred by the changes stated above in the "Upgrading from Nautobot v1.X" guide.

Check out the Region and Site Related Data Model Migration Guide to learn how to migrate your Nautobot Apps and data models from Site and Region to Location.

Corrected Filter Fields (#2804)


This change may introduce breaking changes to your existing DynamicGroup filters, ObjectPermission filters, Relationship filters, and any other saved references to these fields. You should review any existing instances of these models before and after upgrading your production environment for any potentially subtle change. Please refer to the Upgrading from Nautobot v1.X guide for more details.

There were also instances where a foreign-key related field (e.g. console_ports) was incorrectly mapped to a boolean membership filter (e.g. has_console_ports), making it impossible to filter based on specific values of the foreign key:

For example in v1.x:

/dcim/devices/?console_ports=True and /dcim/devices/?has_console_ports=True are functionally the same and this behavior is incorrect.

This has been addressed in v2.x as follows:

console_ports and similar filters are taking foreign key UUIDs as input values and can be used in this format: /dcim/devices/?console_ports=<uuid> whereas has_console_ports and similar filters remain the same.

Check out the specific changes documented in the table at UI and REST API Filter Changes

Enhanced Filter Fields (#2804)


This change may introduce breaking changes to your existing DynamicGroup filters, ObjectPermission filters, Relationship filters, and any other saved references to these fields. You should review any existing instances of these models before and after upgrading your production environment for any potentially subtle change. Please refer to the Upgrading from Nautobot v1.X guide for more details.

Many filter fields have been enhanced to enable filtering by both names and UUID primary keys.

For example in v1.X, to filter RackGroups with a specific parent value in the UI or make changes to them via the REST API, you could only to input slugs as the filter values:


Now in v2.x, you are able to filter those RackGroups by their parent(s) names or UUID primary keys:

/dcim/rack-groups/?parent=<name> or /dcim/rack-groups/?parent=<uuid>

Check out the specific changes documented in the table at UI and REST API Filter Changes

Generic Role Model (#1063)

The DeviceRole, RackRole, ipam.Role, and IPAddressRoleChoices have all been removed and replaced with a extras.Role model, This means that all references to any of the replaced models and choices now points to this generic role model.

In addition, the role field of the IPAddress model has also been changed from a choice field to a foreign key related field to the extras.Role model.

Job Overhaul (#765)

Within Nautobot 2.0, Jobs has undergone significant changes within the overall functionality of Jobs along with migration for existing 1.x Jobs operation. Database changes for Jobs will affect DryRun functionality. Other significant changes to Jobs in 2.0 provide greater interoperability with Celery for registering, logging, and tracking however 2.0 will be moving away from previous backwards compatibility scripts. These improvements will simplify Job implementation and help reduce administration overhead for status tracking on completions and/or failures. For more details, refer to Migrating Jobs from Nautobot v1.X to Nautobot v2.0.

Prefix is_pool Field and "Container" Status replaced by New Field Prefix.type (#1362)

A new type field was added to Prefix to replace the is_pool boolean field and the "Container" status. The type field can be set to "Network", "Pool" or "Container", with "Network" being the default.

Existing prefixes with a status of "Container" will be migrated to the "Container" type. Existing prefixes with is_pool set will be migrated to the "Pool" type. Prefixes with both is_pool set and a status of "Container" will be migrated to the "Pool" type.

The "Container" status will be removed and all prefixes will be migrated to the "Active" status if it exists. If the "Active" status was deleted, prefixes will be migrated to the first available prefix status in the database that is not "Container".


This change may introduce breaking changes to your existing DynamicGroup filters, ObjectPermission filters, Relationship filters, and any other saved references to these fields. You should review any existing instances of these models before and after upgrading your production environment for any potentially subtle change. Please refer to the Upgrading from Nautobot v1.X guide for more details.

Some Foreign Key fields have been renamed to follow a more self-consistent pattern across the Nautobot app. This change is aimed to offer more clarity and predictability when it comes to related object database operations:

For example in v1.x to create a circuit object with type "circuit-type-1", you would do:

    cid="Circuit 1",

and to filter Circuit objects of type "circuit-type-2", you would do:


Now in v2.x, we have renamed the Foreign Key field type on Circuit Model to circuit_type, because this naming convention made it clearer that this Foregin Key field is pointing to the model CircuitType. The same operations would look like:

    cid="Circuit 1",

Check out more Foreign Key related changes documented in the table Renamed Database Fields

In addition to the changes made to Foreign Key fields' own names, some of their related_names are also renamed:

For example in v1.x, to query Circuit objects with CircuitTermination instances located in sites ["ams01", "ams02", "atl03"], you would do:

Circuit.objects.filter(terminations__site__in=["ams01", "ams02", "atl03"])

Now in v2.x, we have renamed the Foreign Key field circuit's related_name attribute terminations on CircuitTermination Model to circuit_terminations, the same operations would look like:

Circuit.objects.filter(circuit_terminations__site__in=["ams01", "ams02", "atl03"])

Check out more related-name changes documented in the table Renamed Database Fields

Renamed Filter Fields (#2804)


This change may introduce breaking changes to your existing DynamicGroup filters, ObjectPermission filters, Relationship filters, and any other saved references to these fields. You should review any existing instances of these models before and after upgrading your production environment for any potentially subtle change. Please refer to the Upgrading from Nautobot v1.X guide for more details.

Some filter fields have been renamed to reflect their functionalities better.

For example in v1.X, to filter FrontPorts that has a cable attached in the UI or make changes to them via Rest API, you would use the cabled filter:


Now in v2.x, you would instead use the has_cable filter which has a more user-friendly name:


Check out the specific changes documented in the table at UI and REST API Filter Changes

REST API Versioning Behavior (#2799)

In Nautobot 2.0 and later, the REST API defaults, when the caller doesn't request a specific API version, to using the latest available version of the REST API. This is a change from Nautobot 1.x, where the default behavior was to use the 1.2 version of the REST API even when newer versions were available.

Revamped CSV Import and Export (#254)

Exporting objects and lists of objects to CSV format has been totally reimplemented in a new framework for ease of use and maintainability. Instead of accessing http://nautobot/<app>/<model>/?export users can now use the URL pattern http://nautobot/api/<app>/<model>/?format=csv (the "Export" links in the UI have of course been updated accordingly), as the new CSV rendering for exports is based on the REST API serializer definitions. This results in substantially more comprehensive CSV representations of many models.

Conversely, importing objects from CSV format has also been reimplemented in the same new framework. The REST API can now accept CSV files as well as the existing JSON support, and the UI for importing CSVs uses this same framework behind the scenes.


The Nautobot 2.0 CSV formats for exports and imports are not backwards-compatible with the Nautobot 1.x CSV formats. In general, the CSV formats are subject to refinement in future releases, and should not be considered a stable API for data portability between differing Nautobot versions.

An immediate benefit users can notice from this reimplementation is that CSVs should now generally be "round-trip" capable, meaning that you can export a set of records to CSV format and then import that CSV into a different Nautobot instance (or delete the records and use the CSV to recreate them) without needing to "massage" the CSV into a different set of columns or fields. One caveat to this is many-to-many fields (such as VRF.import_targets or Interface.tagged_vlans), which are not currently included in CSV exports or supported for CSV import, with the exception of object tags which are supported. Support for many-to-many export and import via CSV may be added in a future release.

A benefit to App developers is that data models no longer need to define a csv_headers attribute or implement a to_csv method, because implementing the REST API for a model is now sufficient to enable CSV import/export support for that model. Similarly, there is no longer a need to implement a CSVForm for each model in order to support CSV import.

In addition to the above improvements, you can now reference related objects in your CSV by using a combination of unique fields. For instance:

Instead of:

Device one,7f3ca431-8103-45cc-a9ce-b94c1f784a1d

you can use:

Device one,Equinix DC6,R204

This enhancement allows you to specify related objects using their unique attributes, making data import even more intuitive and flexible.


Brief REST API Query Parameter (#3042)

Support for ?brief REST API query parameter and Nested*Serializers have been removed in Nautobot v2.X. They are replaced by the new ?depth query parameter.

django-cacheops (#1721)

Nautobot no longer uses django-cacheops for caching of database queries or other information. In some cases this has been replaced by the use of Django's native Redis caching capabilities.

The configuration settings CACHEOPS, CACHEOPS_DEFAULTS, CACHEOPS_DEGRADE_ON_FAILURE, CACHEOPS_ENABLED, CACHEOPS_HEALTH_CHECK_ENABLED, CACHEOPS_REDIS, etc. are now unused by Nautobot and may be removed from your configuration.

Legacy Removed (#1634)

When we launched Nautobot we introduced the nautobot-server command as the primary entrypoint to managing your application, replacing the legacy script that is common with Django-based applications. The original was left there initially in v1.0.0 as a fallback, however it is no longer needed, so we have removed it in Nautobot 2.0.

Redundant Settings Variables

The ENFORCE_GLOBAL_UNIQUE setting has been removed as now IPAM uniqueness is enforced by Namespaces. The DISABLE_PREFIX_LIST_HIERARCHY setting has been removed as prefix hierarchy is now implemented as a concrete parent/children relationship to improve performance.

Redundant Filter Fields (#2804)


This change may introduce breaking changes to your existing DynamicGroup filters, ObjectPermission filters, Relationship filters, and any other saved references to these fields. You should review any existing instances of these models before and after upgrading your production environment for any potentially subtle change. Please refer to the Upgrading from Nautobot v1.X guide for more details.

As a part of breaking changes made in v2.X, shadowed filter/filterset fields are being removed throughout Nautobot.

In Nautobot 1.x, for some of the foreign-key related fields: - The field was shadowed for the purpose of replacing the PK filter with a lookup-based on a more human-readable value (typically slug, if available). - A PK-based filter was available as well, generally with a name suffixed by _id

Now these two filter fields will be replaced by a single filter field that can support both names and UUID primary keys as inputs; As a result, PK-based filters suffixed by _id will no longer be supported in v2.0.

For example in v1.X, to filter Circuits with a specific provider value in the UI or make changes to them via the REST API with a UUID primary key, you would use:


Now in v2.x, that format is no longer supported. Instead, you would use:


Check out the specific changes documented in the table at UI and REST API Filter Changes

RQ support (#2523)

Support for RQ and django-rq, deprecated since Nautobot 1.1.0, has been fully removed from Nautobot 2.0.

Slug Fields (#2662)

The slug field has been removed from all core models except for GitRepository. Generally, Nautobot URLs that referenced the slug field have been changed to use the primary key instead. For example, the URL for https://nautobot/dcim/locations/building-01 would change to a URL similar to https://nautobot/dcim/locations/e41f381a-a53b-485a-886f-9d36859b47a1. There are a small number of URLs that still reference a value that's not the primary key, including some URLs related to secrets providers, cables and jobs.

A natural_slug property has been added to all models that inherit from BaseModel to provide a human-readable value for use in tools that require a loose reference to a Nautobot object, but this value is not equivalent to the slug field and is not guaranteed to be unique.

A natural key interface has been provided for most models to allow for uniquely referencing objects by a name that is friendlier than the primary key. For more information on the usage of natural keys vs primary keys see the documentation for Uniquely Identifying a Nautobot Object.

v2.0.6 (2023-12-11)


  • #4876 - Updated cryptography to ~41.0.6 due to CVE-2023-49083. As this is not a direct dependency of Nautobot, it will not auto-update when upgrading. Please be sure to upgrade your local environment.
  • #4890 - Updated alpha UI dependency @adobe/css-tools to version 4.3.2 due to CVE-2023-48631.
  • #4959 - Enforce authentication and object permissions on DB file storage views (GHSA-75mc-3pjc-727q).


  • #4854 - Added invocations of clean() methods to save() methods for ComputedField, CustomField, and Relationship models to protect against creation of invalid data.
  • #4873 - Added QSFP112 interface type to interface type choices.
  • #4883 - Added get_default_namespace and get_default_namespace_pk methods to nautobot.apps.models API.


  • #4813 - Changed to use Python secrets library instead of random.


  • #4805 - Removed unused nautobot.extras.choices.JobSourceChoices.
  • #4805 - Removed check for in JOBS_ROOT directory.
  • #4858 - Removed Jathan McCollum as a point of contact in


  • #3488 - Corrected positioning and style of "Collapse All" button in Jobs list view.
  • #4142 - Fixed unnecessary git operations when calling ensure_git_repository while the desired commit is already checked out.
  • #4179 - Fixed error in creation of storage directories (GIT_ROOT, JOBS_ROOT, MEDIA_ROOT, etc.) when running tests in parallel.
  • #4747 - Fixed an issue when appending nautobot version to a static file path with existing query parameters resulted in an invalid URL generation.
  • #4768 - Fixed incorrect link in TenantGroup template.
  • #4768 - Fixed ConfigContext not applied to nested TenantGroup objects.
  • #4819 - Fixed empty assignment field in IPAddress detail view.
  • #4845 - Fixed issues with installing an app that is nested inside a python package (e.g. my_apps/app1/ + my_apps/app2/), and lookups for UI view testing.
  • #4851 - Fixed an exception when trying to access computed fields via GraphQL.
  • #4854 - Fixed GraphQL UI unable to load when some ComputedField instances have non-graphql-safe keys.
  • #4856 - Fix ConfigContext application logic for Locations and TenantGroups.
  • #4867 - Added try/except block to handle the AttributeError raised by get_absolute_url() when a valid absolute url cannot be found.
  • #4883 - Fixed IPAddress default namespace, when no namespace is provided.
  • #4891 - Fixed Prefix API and UI inability to filter on multiple values for the fields prefix, within, within_include, contains.
  • #4891 - Fixed IPAddress API and UI inability to filter on multiple values of prefix.
  • #4911 - Fixed the ability to modify tags on Namespaces via the UI.
  • #4922 - Fixed incorrect position of "actions" column in Location table view.


  • #4812 - Updated django-tree-queries to 0.16.1 to bring in some desired feature fixes.
  • #4937 - Updated alpha UI dependency @rjsf/core to version 5.13.6.
  • #4937 - Updated alpha UI dependency @rjsf/utils to version 5.13.6.
  • #4937 - Updated alpha UI dependency @rjsf/validator-ajv8 to version 5.13.6.
  • #4937 - Updated alpha UI dependency react-refresh to version 0.14.0.
  • #4937 - Updated alpha UI dependency react-router-dom to version 6.18.0.


  • #4805 - Updated documentation on jobs registration.
  • #4871 - Removed some duplicate documentation links in the Feature Guides.
  • #4923 - Fixed border for namespace image in docs.
  • #4952 - Corrected spelling of "extensions" in the navigation menu.


  • #4945 - Replaced calls to deprecated is_safe_url() Django API with url_has_allowed_host_and_scheme() replacement API.

v2.0.5 (2023-11-21)


  • #4832 - Fixed cross-site-scripting (XSS) potential with maliciously crafted Custom Links, Computed Fields, and Job Buttons (GHSA-cf9f-wmhp-v4pr).


  • #4832 - Changed the render_jinja2() API to no longer automatically call mark_safe() on the output.


  • #3015 - Fixed multiple jobhooks and/or webhooks triggered by a single change.
  • #3015 - Fixed change logging behavior to properly combine multiple changes to an object in the same request.
  • #4280 - Fixed text color of linked labels to use the same color as the text color of the non-linked labels.
  • #4790 - Fixed REST API error that interpreted rack_group as a required field when creating a rack.
  • #4791 - Fixed a bug where some form fields may change unexpectedly.
  • #4799 - Reduced size of Nautobot sdist and wheel packages from 86 MB to 31 MB.
  • #4804 - Fixed VarbinaryIPField storing None or empty values as the binary representation of b'' thereby ignoring the non-null constraint on the field.


  • #4615 - Updated psycopg2-binary dependency to version 2.9.9.
  • #4615 - Updated pylint development dependency to version 2.17.7.
  • #4799 - Updated mkdocs development dependency to 1.5.3.


  • #4008 - Removed CacheOps reference from application stack diagram.


  • #3179 - Added unittest for CircuitTermination with a cable connected to CircuitTermination, FrontPort, or RearPort fix in #4815.
  • #4799 - Updated docs configuration for examples/example_plugin.
  • #4832 - Added ruff to invoke tasks and CI.

v2.0.4 (2023-11-13)


  • #4748 - Updated Django minimum version to 3.2.23 to protect against CVE-2023-46695.
  • #4782 - Updated alpha-UI dependency axios to version 1.6.0 due to CVE-2023-45857.


  • #4349 - Added Note List View.
  • #4704 - Added missing Rack table to Role Detail View.
  • #4709 - Added form field to allow assignment of IP addresses when creating a new Interface.


  • #4709 - Changed order of fields displayed when editing an Interface to be the same as when creating a new Interface.


  • #3990 - Fixed the issue preventing associated Note objects from being deleted when the assigned object is deleted.
  • #4626 - Fixed incorrect "Prefixes" link from VRF detail view.
  • #4675 - Fixed the issue where the 500 error page does not support dark mode.
  • #4680 - Fixed the bug that prevented the user from adding tags without member objects as DynamicGroup tags filters.
  • #4681 - Fixed NAPALM device view functions assuming 'Active' as the correct status.
  • #4684 - Fixed InterfaceRedundancyGroup.status to no longer be nullable.
  • #4684 - Fixed InterfaceRedundancyGroupAssociation.created to be a DateTimeField.
  • #4685 - Fixed invalid link to IPAddress in Interface Detail View.
  • #4704 - Fixed a display issue with table pagination controls floating over other UI elements.
  • #4704 - Fixed Role detail view displaying tables for content types that aren't in the Role's allowed content types.
  • #4709 - Fixed incorrect (missing) filtering of available VRFs by parent Device when editing an Interface in the UI.
  • #4718 - Fixed bug in which a device's device redundancy group priority was not being set to None when the device redundancy group was deleted.
  • #4726 - Fixed the bug caused by Tenant Edit View template accessing group instead of tenant_group.
  • #4728 - Fixed bug with JobResultFilterSet and ScheduledJobFilterSet using django_filters.DateTimeFilter for only exact date matches.
  • #4751 - Fixed a bug with BaseModel.get_absolute_url returning an AttributeError instead of raising it.
  • #4779 - Fixed an error when syncing a git repo without a worker running.


  • #3927 - Fixed documentation for creating databases on PostgreSQL version 15.
  • #4622 - Fixed docs incorrectly referencing Nautobot 1.5 as the LTM release for 1.x.
  • #4642 - Added documentation category to release-notes.
  • #4704 - Fixed a broken link in to point to the correct contributing guide.
  • #4713 - Fixed documentation regarding API endpoint to use for running saved GraphQL queries.
  • #4714 - Added documentation detailing rack power utilization calculation.
  • #4720 - Added redeployment demo environment step to
  • #4767 - Updated Job and App Developer docs to import from the nautobot.apps module throughout.


  • #4638 - Updated Apps upstream testing CI to use the correct branch pairings post-2.0.
  • #4686 - Fixed incorrect tagging of 1.6.x Docker nautobot-dev images as latest.
  • #4700 - Removed incorrect NAUTOBOT_DYNAMIC_GROUPS_MEMBER_CACHE_TIMEOUT environment variable reference from settings documentation.
  • #4709 - Replaced a number of ModelChoiceField in DCIM forms with more appropriate DynamicModelChoiceField.

v2.0.3 (2023-10-23)


  • #4671 - Updated urllib3 to 2.0.7 due to CVE-2023-45803. This is not a direct dependency so it will not auto-update when upgrading. Please be sure to upgrade your local environment.
  • #4673 - Fixed token exposure in JobResult traceback and result output when a GitRepositorySync job fails in certain ways.
  • #4692 - Fixed potential exposure of hashed user password data on certain REST API endpoints when using the ?depth=1 query parameter. For more details, please refer to GHSA-r2hw-74xv-4gqp.


  • #4612 - Added validation step to handle invalid/legacy filters from v1.x in DynamicGroup form validation.
  • #4668 - Added an ENABLE_ALPHA_UI configuration option to the settings, which is initially set to False. When set to True, this option enables the "Alpha UI 2.0" feature.


  • #4668 - Changed the flag --no-build-ui to --build-ui, and its default value to False for the nautobot-server post-upgrade command.


  • #4604 - Fixed post_upgrade bug involving potential left over references to Aggregate, DeviceRole, and RackRole ContentTypes in ObjectChange records.
  • #4608 - Fixed error 'IPAddressBulkAddForm' has no field named 'parent' when bulk creating IPs via UI.
  • #4676 - Ensured that ScheduledJob.job_class values are correctly transferred to ScheduledJob.task during v2 migration.
  • #4692 - Fixed incorrect inheritance of Meta attributes into nested serializers (depth >= 1).


  • #4669 - Added redirects from 1.x documentation paths to their 2.x equivalents to fix broken links/bookmarks.


  • #4692 - Added check in REST API generic test cases to detect strings like password and sha256 that shouldn't generally appear in REST API responses.

v2.0.2 (2023-10-16)


  • #4586 - Updated urllib3 to 2.0.6 due to CVE-2023-43804. This is not a direct dependency so it will not auto-update when upgrading. Please be sure to upgrade your local environment.
  • #4621 - Updated postcss npm package to 8.4.31 to address CVE-2023-44270.
  • #4652 - Updated babel/traverse npm dependency to 7.23.2 to address CVE-2023-45133.


  • #4361 - Added SUPPORT_MESSAGE configuration setting.
  • #4607 - Added nautobot-server audit_graphql_queries management command for evaluating breaking filter changes to existing GraphQLQuery instances.


  • #4313 - Updated device search to include manufacturer name.


  • #4472 - Fixed incorrect logic in template that wouldn't detect the MySQL engine when Prometheus metrics are enabled.
  • #4547 - Fixed incorrect form field type for DeviceFilterForm.device_redundancy_group_priority.
  • #4588 - Fixed the error when creating a child Location under a non-globally-unique named parent Location.
  • #4603 - Fixed a bug that makes Manufacturers list fail to load.
  • #4639 - Fixed the ability to attach images to Locations.


  • #4591 - Fixed incorrect documentation of FEEDBACK_BUTTON_ENABLED configuration setting.
  • #4591 - Fixed a number of missing app code-reference links in the documentation table of contents.
  • #4592 - Updated formatting on installation docs.
  • #4598 - Fixed inconsistent column names in docs/user-guide/administration/upgrading/from-v1/tables/v2-filters-renamed-fields.yml.
  • #4613 - Changed CLI reference from dns to dnf for install on RHEL systems.
  • #4619 - Fixed broken links in Nautobot


  • #4611 - Updated pylint to use multiple threads.

v2.0.1 (2023-10-04)


  • #4436 - Allowed Interfaces of type Virtual, LAG, and Bridge to be selected as a virtual Interface's parent.
  • #4572 - Fixed a JS crash when using list view search box to filter objects in legacy UI.


  • #4523 - Fixed invoke eslint not running against local development environment.
  • #4552 - Improved test_bulk_delete_form_contains_all_filtered and test_bulk_edit_form_contains_all_filtered generic tests to fail more gracefully if insufficient test data is available.

v2.0.0 (2023-09-28)


  • #4553 - Implement table sticky headers.


  • #4550 - Fixed a 500 error caused by PrefixForm when prefix_length was omitted from prefix input.
  • #4559 - Fixed behavior of a DynamicGroup with an invalid filter to fail closed rather than failing open.
  • #4566 - Fixed table sticky headers in Firefox.


  • #4489 - Added release note overview to Jobs Overhaul.
  • #4492 - Added slug removal documentation to the 2.0 release notes Release Overview.
  • #4488 - Added documentation on the ability to assign one IPAddress to multiple Interfaces/VMInterfaces in Nautobot 2.0 release overview.
  • #4556 - Added documentation for using lowercase variables in App provided Constance Config.

v2.0.0.rc-4 (2023-09-27)


  • #4500 - Updated cryptography to 41.0.4 due to GHSA-v8gr-m533-ghj9. This is not a direct dependency so will not auto-update when upgrading. Please be sure to upgrade your local environment.


  • #4103 - Added UI viewset for detail/list/import/export views of IPAddressToInterface objects.
  • #4418 - Added netutils_parser to network_driver.
  • #4425 - Added BaseModelSerializer.determine_view_options() API for use in new UI.
  • #4425 - Added option for individual model serializers to override the default contents of the Advanced tab in the new UI.
  • #4425 - Added option for individual model serializers to define additional tabs in the new UI and the fields included in such tabs.
  • #4426 - Added the ability to specify one or more content types to the fix_custom_fields management command.
  • #4434 - Implemented ObjectList view filters in FiltersPanelContent component of the new UI.
  • #4459 - Added more re-exports to the nautobot.apps namespace.
  • #4462 - Added FilterSet data to REST API metadata.
  • #4474 - Added live search of q filter to list and detail views.
  • #4476 - Added /api/extras/jobs/<name>/... REST API endpoints as an alternative option to the existing /api/extras/jobs/<uuid>/... endpoints.
  • #4477 - Added the slugify Django template tag as a Jinja filter.
  • #4524 - Added optional api parameter to NotesMixin.get_notes_url() model method.


  • #2472 - Added tagged_vlans and untagged_vlan as selected/prefetched in (VM)Interface API views.
  • #2472 - Added ip_addresses as prefetched in VMInterface API views.
  • #4014 - Refine Prefix List and Detail Views in new UI.
  • #4367 - Changed CSV export to use multi-column natural keys for related models instead of composite-keys.
  • #4367 - Changed natural_key_field_names for Prefix from ["namespace", "prefix"] to ["namespace", "network", "prefix_length"]
  • #4425 - Refined layout of new-UI Device detail view, including addition of "Virtual Chassis" tab.
  • #4425 - Moved logic deriving list and detail view schemas for new UI from a serializer from nautobot.core.api.metadata to nautobot.core.api.serializers.
  • #4425 - Changed new-UI detail-view schema construction to automatically include comments and tags fields (if present) in the appropriate location to avoid needing every serializer to specify these fields in its configuration.
  • #4425 - Refined the structure of new-UI detail-view and list-view schemas.
  • #4426 - Changed fix_custom_fields to skip models without any custom fields.
  • #4462 - Updated new UI to use REST API FilterSet metadata to populate filter form.


  • #4425 - Removed composite key from new UI object-detail "Advanced" tab.
  • #4448 - Removed composite key from user-facing interfaces (API, UI).
  • #4538 - Removed unnecessary dependency on semver npm package.


  • #4033 - Fixed filtering objects in bulk edit and bulk delete.
  • #4327 - Fixed a case where an ObjectChange would not be created when making an M2M change via the ORM.
  • #4327 - Fixed an error when trying to send a Webhook after all ObjectChanges for an object had been deleted/pruned.
  • #4327 - Fixed a case where a JobHook would not be sent when making an M2M change after all existing ObjectChanges for the object had been deleted/pruned.
  • #4396 - Fixed rack form silently dropping custom field values.
  • #4416 - Fixed a bug that raises CablePath matching query does not exist exception when deleting a device with multiple types of connected interfaces.
  • #4426 - Fixed a potential out-of-memory issue when running nautobot-server fix_custom_fields on large datasets.
  • #4430 - Fixed VLAN form missing VLAN Group.
  • #4469 - Fixed issue that resulted in stacktrace if no model docs and dunder str was not resolvable.
  • #4469 - Fixed alter_queryset not being respected by list views based on NautobotUIViewSet.
  • #4473 - Fixed a bug that stripped any tags field from Job input forms.
  • #4487 - Fixed general UI layout sizing and spacing.
  • #4503 - Fixed a bug that stripped any tags field from DynamicGroup filter options in DynamicGroupEditForm.
  • #4510 - Fixed placeholder values being present in new UI.
  • #4514 - Fixed an issue with alter_queryset not being called when constructing a table.
  • #4524 - Fixed incorrect implementation of test_notes_url_on_object test case that never actually tested anything.
  • #4524 - Fixed incorrect permissions enforcement on REST API /notes/ action endpoints.
  • #4524 - Fixed an exception in REST API /notes/ action endpoints that was inadvertently introduced in #4517.
  • #4535 - Fixed off-by-one error in new UI date processing.


  • #4418 - Dependency netutils updated to ^1.6.0.
  • #4538 - Updated npm dependencies via npm update.


  • #3303 - Added additional section headers to the Release Overview of Nautobot 2.0 release notes.
  • #3303 - Added TODO comments for each additional section header.
  • #3689 - Added namespace diagram to docs.
  • #4301 - Added missing and good-to-have information in the app migration guide.
  • #4301 - Removed references to RoleModelSerializerMixin, RoleRequiredRoleModelSerializerMixin and RoleSerializerField from generic Role-related documentation.
  • #4420 - Updated jobs migration docs to reflect alternate method of job params migration.
  • #4490 - Added additional information to the release-notes and other documentation about the revamped CSV import/export feature.
  • #4491 - Added documentation to Nautobot 2.0 release notes Release Overview for removal of
  • #4491 - Added documentation to Nautobot 2.0 release notes Release Overview for change of ChangedLoggedModel.created field from DateField to DateTimeField.
  • #4493 - Added release-note overview of alpha 2.0 UI.
  • #4493 - Reordered overview items in the 2.0 release-notes.
  • #4507 - Added Data Validation Engine to list of apps in docs.


  • #4479 - Configured npm in Docker image to use 30s timeout, pinned npm to 9.X, and changed Docker build to use npm ci instead of npm install to improve builds.
  • #4524 - Added test_notes_url_functionality test case to APIViewTestCases.NotesURLViewTestCase generic test class.

v2.0.0-rc.3 (2023-09-15)


  • #3880 - Updated GitPython to 3.1.36 to address CVE-2023-41040.


  • #3934 - Added Namespace column to VRFDeviceAssignmentTable and VRFPrefixAssignmentTable to display assigned VRFs' namespace property.
  • #3934 - Added namespace attribute to rendering of "IP Addresses" columns of relevant Interface and InterfaceRedundancyGroup tables.
  • #3934 - Added namespace attribute to rendering of primary_ip fields in DeviceDetailView and VirtualMachineDetailView.
  • #3934 - Added hover copy button and functionality to primary_ip field in VirtualMachineDetailView.
  • #4011 - Added redirect in new UI to legacy UI if the page being visited is not new UI ready.
  • #4249 - Added REST API endpoint for the IPAddressToInterface model.
  • #4346 - Implemented .natural_slug property on all models.


  • #4012 - Disable non ready Model View in new-ui sidebar.
  • #4015 - Refined new-UI IPAddress detail view.
  • #4017 - Refined new-UI DeviceType detail view.
  • #4017 - Moved object_type to the Advanced tab of new-UI detail views in general.
  • #4019 - Refine new-ui Location Detail view.
  • #4333 - Updated Dockerfile not to use Python virtual environment.
  • #4440 - Fixed an issues with ModelForm's that used __all__ on Meta.fields and custom_fields displayed a JSON blob.


  • #3934 - Removed ip_family queryset annotation from PrefixQuerySet and IPAddressQuerySet.
  • #4011 - Removed the "disable menu" feature for non-NewUI ready menu links in the sidebar and NavBar.
  • #4015 - Removed tags, custom-fields, computed-fields, relationships from new-UI object detail
  • #4017 - Removed notes_url from new-UI object detail views.


  • #3934 - Fixed validation logic for VirtualMachine primary ips.
  • #4010 - Fixed error not being raised when an invalid parent is provided to the IPAddress in both the API and ORM.
  • #4293 - Fixed the issue of ObjectChange Detail View not rendering in the new UI.
  • #4307 - Fixed incorrect hyperlinks that exist in the Notes and ChangeLog Tables in the ObjectDetailView of the new UI.
  • #4329 - Fixed an issue in TreeNodeMultipleChoiceFilter filtering that could result in incorrect inclusion of unrelated records with the same name located elsewhere in the tree.
  • #4377 - Fixed incorrect OpenAPI schema for filters available on Device and VirtualMachine REST API endpoints.
  • #4377 - Fixed incorrect logic for queryset annotation on Device and VirtualMachine REST API views.
  • #4388 - Fixed a bug that makes ConfigContexts applied to parent locations missing from rendered config context of child location Devices/Virtual Machines.
  • #4407 - Fixed Dockerfile Node.js setup_XX.x deprecated script.


  • #2821 - Adds navigation.footer to mkdocs features to enable navigation in the footer.
  • #2821 - Updates installation documentation into a single path, using tabs for MySQL/PostgeSQL & Ubuntu/Debian/RHEL.
  • #2821 - Removes and as these are collapsed into single file.
  • #3289 - Added documentation on factory data caching and generic filter tests.
  • #3372 - Added documentation for migrating permission constraints.
  • #4249 - Added section on many-to-many relationships in the REST API overview docs.
  • #4303 - Added documentation on identifying objects after the removal of slug fields.
  • #4326 - Update documentation on Nautobot release workflow.
  • #4429 - Updated the pylint-nautobot migration steps.


  • #2821 - Updates docker-compose standalone to docker compose plugin to assist in development environment.
  • #4310 - Updated CI integration workflow to remove some redundant tests, run more tests in parallel and remove arm64 platform from the container build.
  • #4311 - Updated CI pull request workflow for next branch to remove some redundant tests, run more tests in parallel and test the container build.
  • #4338 - Updated GitHub CI integration workflow for Long-term maintenance branch.
  • #4409 - Updated upstream testing workflow for apps to test against LTM and 2.0 with ltm-1.6 and develop branch tags respectively.

v2.0.0.rc-2 (2023-08-24)


  • #3794 - Added support for multi-column keys for CSV Import.


  • #2807 - Renamed IPAddress vrf filter to vrfs.
  • #2807 - Renamed Prefix mask_length filter to prefix_length and vrf filter to vrfs.
  • #2807 - Enhanced Prefix vlan_vid filter to permit multiple query values.
  • #2807 - Renamed RouteTarget exporting_vrf filter to exporting_vrfs and importing_vrf filter to importing_vrfs.
  • #2807 - Renamed Service port filter to ports.
  • #2807 - Renamed VRF export_target filter to export_targets and import_target filter to import_targets.
  • #2853 - Renamed JobView to JobRunView and JobDetailView to JobView.
  • #2853 - Rename url lookups job to job_run_by_class_path and job_detail to job.
  • #2853 - Changed as_form_class, as_form and validate_data functions on BaseJob Model to classmethods.
  • #4305 - Merged develop back into next after release 1.6.1


  • #2807 - Removed RouteTarget exporting_vrf_id and importing_vrf_id filters as they are redundant with the exporting_vrfs and importing_vrfs filters.
  • #2807 - Removed Service device_id and virtual_machine_id filters as they are redundant with the device and virtual_machine filters.
  • #2807 - Removed VRF export_target_id and import_target_id filters as they are redundant with the export_targets and import_targets filters.
  • #2853 - Removed /extras/jobs/results/<uuid:pk>/ URL endpoint.


  • #2807 - Fixed misnamed tag fields on various filter forms (correct filter name is now tags).
  • #4299 - Added missing to_field_name attribute on TagFilterField, which was causing dynamic-group filtering failures.
  • #4300 - Fixed a permission issue when using final-dev containers by switching to root user before exposing port and entrypoint.

v2.0.0rc1 (2023-08-18)


  • #1175 - Added "Submit Feedback" functionality to the new UI.
  • #3582 - The 'GetFilterSetFieldDOMElementAPIView' now has the option to return the filterset field's DOM element in JSON format.
  • #3904 - Added Input component for changing the page number, in addition to using the arrows.
  • #3904 - Added total number of rows to footer.
  • #3976 - Added support for related-object specification by PK (UUID) in CSV imports as an alternative to composite-keys.
  • #3976 - Added support for related-object specification by composite-key in JSON REST API data.
  • #3977 - Added DEVICE_NAME_AS_NATURAL_KEY and LOCATION_NAME_AS_NATURAL_KEY optional config settings to allow the use of simplified natural keys for Device and Location models.
  • #3978 - Added data migration for JobResult to migrate old status to its equivalent new status.
  • #3983 - Added FiltersPanel UI component.
  • #4052 - Added the option for models to specify a documentation_static_path attribute if a non-default path is needed.
  • #4081 - Added data migration to ensure Note objects' created timestamps are unique.
  • #4100 - Added columns for interface count, device count, VM interface count and virtual machine count to the IP address list view.
  • #4154 - Added handleOnKeyDown to Pagination to now update the page number when Enter key is pressed.
  • #4154 - Added double arrow icons to Pagination for navigating to first/last page.
  • #4197 - Added Bulk Import View for Namespace.
  • #4225 - Added Namespace to IPAddressDetailTable.
  • #4228 - Incorporated all code changes from Nautobot 1.6.0.


  • #3229 - Rename to JobResult.result and delete the original JobResult.result.
  • #3636 - Reintroduced "Assign IP Address" button to Device Interfaces list view.
  • #3892 - Removed logger kwarg from JobResult.log(). Jobs' self.logger logging instance automatically logs to both the console and database and should be used instead of this method.
  • #3892 - Changed the function signatures for nautobot.extras.datasources.git methods get_repo_from_url_to_path_and_from_branch, ensure_git_repository, git_repository_dry_run, import_config_context, import_local_config_context, and import_config_context_schema.
  • #3904 - Restyled the pagination section.
  • #3904 - Modified the back "<" and next ">" arrows to navigate to the previous/next page, respectively, rather than the first/last page.
  • #3904 - The back "<" and next ">" arrows no longer show when they aren't relevant (i.e. when on the first/last page).
  • #3904 - Changed Pagination component from Class to function.
  • #3906 - Changed visual loading behavior of object list views in new UI.
  • #3928 - Updated settings documentation for Nautobot 2.0 Celery changes.
  • #3972 - Changed the natural-key for ComponentModel to ["name", "device"].
  • #3972 - Re-ordered the natural-key fields for PowerOutlet and PowerPanel.
  • #3972 - Changed the natural-key fields for Cable, CablePath, and TaggedItem to merely "pk".
  • #3972 - Changed the natural-key for RackReservation to ["units", "racks"].
  • #3972 - Changed the natural-key of VirtualChassis to "name".
  • #3976 - Moved NautobotHyperlinkedRelatedField from nautobot.core.api.serializers to nautobot.core.api.fields.
  • #4013 - Refined the Device Detail View in the New UI.
  • #4061 - Changed the dev and final-dev Docker images to install and run Nautobot as a nautobot user instead of as root.
  • #4061 - Updated poetry version included in dev and final-dev Docker images from 1.3.1 to 1.5.1.
  • #4061 - Changed all Docker images to install Nautobot and its dependencies to a virtualenv in /opt/nautobot/ instead of the system Python.
  • #4061 - Changed Docker build to install dependencies for and then build the new UI as a separate set of stages from the installation of Python dependencies and build of the Python package.
  • #4164 - Modified docker dev stage to run as root user to prevent permission issues with bind mounts.
  • #4242 - Changed behavior of dev and final-dev Docker images to disable installation metrics by default.


  • #3761 - Remove remaining Site and Region references from core docs.
  • #3892 - Removed unused method get_job_result_and_repository_record in nautobot.extras.datasources.git.
  • #4061 - Removed node_modules shared volume from Docker development environment as no longer needed.
  • #4104 - Removed unused primary_for_device from Interface data migration.
  • #4115 - Removed temporary code from ObjectEditView that was working around some IPAddress/Prefix form validation gaps.


  • #3904 - Added proper spacing/alignment to pagination section.
  • #3974 - Corrected the natural-key definitions for ComputedField, CustomField, FileAttachment, ImageAttachment, ObjectChange, Relationship, RelationshipAssociation, and Token models.
  • #3976 - Fixed an error when creating VRF or Prefix records via the REST API without specifying a namespace value.
  • #4013 - Fixed incorrect related model url rendering in ObjectRetrieve view.
  • #4061 - Fixed error when running 'invoke markdownlint' with Docker Compose workflow.
  • #4083 - Fixed a issue that was causing the build process of react to be slow.
  • #4100 - Fixed assigned column in the IP address list view.
  • #4115 - Fixed missing data validation in IPAddressForm and PrefixForm.
  • #4131 - Fixed inability to filter most models with .exclude(composite_key="...").
  • #4131 - Fixed inability to call Prefix.objects.exclude(prefix="...").
  • #4131 - Fixed inability to call IPAddress.objects.exclude(address="...").
  • #4149 - Fixed a bug that prevented renaming a Rack if it contained any devices whose names were not globally unique.
  • #4154 - Added useEffect to fix the last_page in Pagination from not updating dynamically.
  • #4241 - Added a timeout and exception handling to the nautobot-server send_installation_metrics command.


  • #4125 - Added support for Python 3.11.
  • #4125 - Updated django-auth-ldap optional dependency to ~4.3.0.
  • #4125 - Updated django-cors-headers dependency to ~4.2.0.
  • #4125 - Updated django-storages optional dependency to ~1.13.2.
  • #4125 - Updated django-tables2 dependency to ~2.6.0.
  • #4125 - Updated django-tree-queries dependency to ~0.15.0.
  • #4125 - Updated drf-spectacular dependency to ~0.26.3.
  • #4125 - Updated napalm optional dependency to ~4.1.0.
  • #4125 - Updated Pillow dependency to ~10.0.0.
  • #4125 - Updated prometheus-client dependency to ~0.17.1.
  • #4125 - Updated social-auth-core optional dependency to ~4.4.2.
  • #4143 - Updated celery dependency to ~5.3.1.
  • #4143 - Updated django-celery-beat dependency to ~2.5.0.
  • #4143 - Updated django-constance dependency to ~2.9.1.
  • #4143 - Updated django-extensions dependency to ~3.2.3.
  • #4143 - Updated django-prometheus dependency to ~2.3.1.
  • #4143 - Updated django-redis dependency to ~5.3.0.
  • #4143 - Updated django-taggit dependency to ~4.0.0.
  • #4143 - Updated django-timezone-field dependency to ~5.1.
  • #4143 - Updated GitPython dependency to ~3.1.32.
  • #4143 - Updated graphene-django dependency to ~2.16.0.
  • #4143 - Updated Jinja2 dependency to ~3.1.2.
  • #4143 - Updated jsonschema dependency to permit versions up to 4.18.x. Note that versions back to 4.7.0 are still permitted, so this dependency may not necessarily auto-upgrade when updating Nautobot.
  • #4143 - Updated MarkupSafe dependency to ~2.1.3.
  • #4143 - Updated mysqlclient optional dependency to ~2.2.0.
  • #4143 - Updated packaging dependency to ~23.1.
  • #4143 - Updated psycopg2-binary dependency to ~2.9.6.


  • #3330 - Added UI configuration documentation.
  • #3386 - Added documentation linking to best practices for database backup.
  • #3386 - Added missing files to the documentation table of contents.
  • #3387 - Added an app developer migration guide on how to upgrade an Nautobot App from v1.x to v2.0.
  • #3394 - Added Developer migration guide.
  • #3690 - Added an IPAM Migration Guide for users upgrading to Nautobot 2.0.
  • #4042 - Added additional documentations and references for how CustomField, ComputedField, and Relationship behave in Nautobot v2.0.
  • #4061 - Fixed a few broken links in the documentation.
  • #4091 - Added information about installing and running Node.js as a part of the Nautobot installation documentation.


  • #4028 - Fixed CI integration workflow to publish 'final-dev', and build only final images.
  • #4028 - Fixed CI integration workflow set-output warnings.
  • #4061 - Changed development nodejs Docker container to use Nautobot dev image instead of generic node image.
  • #4061 - Updated markdownlint-cli to version 0.35.0.
  • #4061 - Consolidated development/non-development package.json and package-lock.json files into a single set of files.
  • #4124 - Fixed inability to start nodejs development container due to missing files.
  • #4125 - Updated various development-only dependencies to the latest available versions.
  • #4143 - Updated various development-only dependencies to the latest available versions.
  • #4242 - Changed development/ to disable installation metrics for developer environments by default.
  • #4254 - Fixed CI container builds failing on npm install steps.
  • #4285 - Fixed next container build workflow.

v2.0.0-beta.2 (2023-07-07)


  • #3287 - Added nautobot-server audit_dynamic_groups management command for evaluating breaking filter changes to existing DynamicGroup instances.
  • #3526 - Added detail view UI layout config.
  • #3635 - Added interfaces and vm_interfaces fields to REST API representation of IPAddress.
  • #3845 - Added data migration to ensure all existing service instances fit those uniqueness constraints.
  • #3845 - Added CreateView for Service Model.
  • #3846 - Added migration helper method to check if a model contains duplicate records based on its natural key fields.
  • #3846 - Added migration to check whether all existing Virtual Chassis instances have unique names and to fail if they do not.
  • #3885 - Added a unique_together constraint for ObjectChange records.
  • #3935 - Added constraints to the parent field on Prefix based on the prefix's type and the parent's type.
  • #3939 - Added a post-migration helper tool for de-duplicating IPAddresses.
  • #4003 - Synced in code changes from develop branch up through version 1.5.22.
  • #4004 - Added --save option to nautobot-server validate_models command.
  • #4004 - Added successful_post callback function to ObjectEditView.
  • #4004 - Added parent filter for Prefix objects.
  • #4004 - Added warning messages when creating or editing a Prefix or IPAddress that does not follow prefix type guidance.


  • #2662 - Changed many FilterSet filters to filter on (name or ID) instead of (slug or ID) since the relevant model slug fields have been removed.
  • #2662 - Changed FilterSet filters referring to DeviceType objects to filter on (model or ID) instead of (slug or ID).
  • #2662 - Changed NaturalKeyOrPKMultipleChoiceFilter default to_field_name from slug to name.
  • #2662 - Replaced NameSlugSearchFilterSet with NameSearchFilterSet.
  • #2662 - Changed default ModelViewTestCase._get_url() behavior to prefer pk-based URLs over slug-based URLs.
  • #2662 - Changed ObjectEditView.get_object() and ObjectDeleteView.get_object() to prefer pk-based object lookups over slug-based lookups.
  • #2662 - Changed Git repository provided "implicit" config context files to be based on name (or model in the case of DeviceType contexts) instead of slug.
  • #2916 - Updated prefix utilization calculation.
  • #3287 - Changed the ip_version filters in PrefixFilterSet and IPAddressFilterSet to django_filters.NumberFilter.
  • #3424 - Added IPAddress.type field and moved DHCP/SLAAC status to types.
  • #3634 - Restored assigned_to_interface as a RelatedMembershipBooleanFilter with name has_interface_assignments on IPAddressFilterSet.
  • #3634 - Restored present_in_vrf and present_in_vrf_id filters on IPAddressFilterSet.
  • #3725 - Changed REST API nested hyperlink to a brief object representation consisting of its ID, URL, and object_type.
  • #3748 - Updated API serializers to support Namespaces and unskip unit tests
  • #3770 - Modified the text color to be gray-1 for the sidebarNav components.
  • #3770 - In Layout.js, also made the 'Return to Legacy UI' link gray-1 for consistency.
  • #3770 - Made the sidebar button links be orange when selected and on that page.
  • #3778 - Changed the REST API depth for generating the OpenAPI schema from 1 to 0.
  • #3778 - Set ENUM_GENERATE_CHOICE_DESCRIPTION to False to make OpenAPI schema for REST API filters less verbose.
  • #3793 - Renamed Natural-key slug to Composite key throughout the code base, UI, REST API, and documentation.
  • #3793 - Changed url separator character for Composite keys from & to ;.
  • #3845 - Changed and Service.device or and Service.virtual_machine to be globally unique and to serve as the natural key for this model.
  • #3846 - Changed to be globally unique and to serve as the natural key for this model.
  • #3847 - Changed to be globally unique and serve as the natural key for this model.
  • #3847 - Increased ScheduledJob.task max_length to fix an off-by-one potential error.
  • #3848 - Changed ExportTemplate uniqueness constraint (and natural key) to be simply (content_type, name).
  • #3849 - Changed to be globally unique and serve as the natural key for this model.
  • #3849 - Changed to be globally unique and serve as the natural key for this model.
  • #3850 - Changed VLANGroup name to unique.
  • #3851 - Changed to be globally unique and serve as the natural key for this model.
  • #3854 - Updated default index page for "Networks" context to Prefixes.
  • #3898 - Changed the IPAddress natural key definition (IPAddress.natural_key_field_names) to [parent__namespace, host].
  • #3936 - Restored navigation menu structure in the legacy UI.
  • #3939 - Changed Device.primary_ip4 and primary_ip6 fields from OneToOneField to ForeignKey, relaxing the uniqueness constraint.
  • #3939 - Changed VirtualMachine.primary_ip4 and primary_ip6 fields from OneToOneField to ForeignKey, relaxing the uniqueness constraint.
  • #3940 - Updated JOBS_ROOT Jobs import code to check for conflicts with existing package names.
  • #3953 - Removed static "Home" text.
  • #3953 - Fixed padding/spacing of Home and Object Views to be consistent.
  • #3973 - Changed natural-key for Prefix model to [namespace, prefix].
  • #3973 - Changed natural-key for Service model to [name, virtual_machine, device].
  • #3973 - Changed natural-key for VLANGroup model to simply [name].
  • #3973 - Changed natural-key for VLAN model to [pk] for now.
  • #4004 - Changed Prefix.type validation with respect to parents and children from strictly-enforced to advisory-only for 2.0.
  • #4004 - Changed parent filter on IPAddress to be exact-match by PK; the previously present filter is renamed to prefix.


  • #2662 - Removed DeviceType.slug field.
  • #2662 - Removed Location.slug field.
  • #2662 - Removed LocationType.slug field.
  • #2662 - Removed Note.slug field.
  • #2662 - Removed ProviderNetwork.slug field.
  • #2662 - Removed RackGroup.slug field.
  • #2662 - Removed Tag.slug field.
  • #2662 - Removed VLANGroup.slug field.
  • #2662 - Removed slug FilterSet filters from models that no longer have slugs.
  • #3424 - The built-in "SLAAC" Status object has been removed and replaced with an IPAddress.type of the same name.
  • #3424 - The built-in "DHCP" Status object has been removed and replaced with an IPAddress.type of the same name.
  • #3635 - Removed leftover interface and vminterface fields from IPAddress GraphQL representation.
  • #3778 - Removed currently unused app_full_width_fragment, detail-view-config, form-fields, and table-fields REST API endpoints.
  • #3847 - Removed ScheduledJob.job_class field as redundant.
  • #3849 - Removed ConfigContextSchema.slug field.
  • #3850 - Removed VLANGroup [location, name] uniqueness constraint.
  • #3941 - Removed device, rd, name and virtual_machine, rd, name uniqueness constraints on VRFDeviceAssignment.
  • #3941 - Removed namespace, name uniqueness constraint on VRF.
  • #3941 - Removed some overly verbose messaging in IPAM migration utilities.


  • #2662 - Corrected leftover "natural key slug" reference in object_bulk_create.html.
  • #2662 - Fixed leftover reference to GraphQLQuery.slug in CustomGraphQLView.
  • #2662 - Fixed leftover references to slug in various detail view and edit view templates.
  • #2662 - Fixed leftover references to slug in various IPAM table columns.
  • #2662 - Fixed various leftover references to slug fields in the documentation.
  • #3424 - Fixed a typo in AvailableIPSerializer for ip_version field representation.
  • #3574 - Fixed Inability to select multiple entries on (Multiple) selection custom fields in filter.
  • #3580 - Fixed a bug that prevented moving IP Addresses between Namespaces.
  • #3778 - Fixed self-referential type loop in the OpenAPI schema that made Swagger UI unusable for some endpoints.
  • #3782 - Fixed filename for CSV exports.
  • #3847 - Fixed incorrect filter form definitions for JobHookFilterForm, JobResultFilterForm, ScheduledJobFilterForm.
  • #3858 - Fixed broken dynamic filter form in legacy view.
  • #3859 - Added logic to protect against defining a GitRepository.slug that would conflict with existing Python modules.
  • #3865 - Fixed erroneous algorithms used in CustomField and Relationship data migrations.
  • #3879 - Fixed permission check for navigation menu item for Namespaces.
  • #3885 - Fixed missing natural_key for ObjectChange records.
  • #3889 - Fixed a bug in ScheduledJob data migration where it is trying to delete a non-existent key from a dictionary.
  • #3890 - Fixed an error that could happen during migrations if a Site and a Location both have the same slug.
  • #3896 - Fixed a KeyError when accessing ObjectChange records for a ConfigContext via the REST API.
  • #3898 - Fixed several errors that could occur when defining a model's natural_key_field_names to include related object lookups.
  • #3902 - Fixed a GraphQL error when querying Interface mac_address when unset/null/empty values are present.
  • #3916 - Fixed custom NautobotHyperlinkedRelatedField to_representation logic.
  • #3955 - Fixed an error in dcim.0030 migration when CircuitTerminations terminated to ProviderNetworks exist.
  • #3955 - Fixed an error in ipam.0031 migration when an interface had multiple IPs in the same VRF.
  • #3955 - Fixed failure of ipam.0031 migration to detect when an interface has a mix of VRF IPs and non-VRF IPs.
  • #3980 - Fixed a regression in the display of Tag records in the UI.
  • #3998 - Fixed rendering of breadcrumbs in the 2.0 UI.
  • #4005 - Added logic to catch and report errors when registering a Job to the database.
  • #4005 - Added logic to Job class @classproperty methods to enforce correct data types.


  • #3883 - Updated nautobot-ui package in next.


  • #2662 - Revised development best-practices documentation around the inclusion of slug fields in models.
  • #3847 - Corrected out-of-date information about class_path in the Jobs documentation.
  • #3940 - Added Jobs migration docs.
  • #4005 - Fixed incorrect documentation about how to register Jobs from an app.


  • #2662 - Corrected incorrect logic in generic view test test_list_objects_filtered and test_list_objects_unknown_filter_strict_filtering.
  • #3424 - Unskipped nautobot.ipam.tests.test_forms.IPAddressFormTest
  • #3635 - Re-enabled and updated some GraphQL tests relating to IPAddress objects in GraphQL.
  • #3867 - Fixed node_modules volume mount in docker-compose.
  • #3876 - Fixed markdownlint command syntax.
  • #3900 - Added 'invoke migration-test' and corresponding CI step.
  • #3930 - Fixed inconsistent job test behavior.
  • #3933 - Fixed noisy output of unit tests.
  • #4071 - Fixed Docker tag syntax for pre-release workflow.
  • #4078 - Fixed prerelease workflow referenced ci_integration.yml file.

v2.0.0-beta.1 (2023-06-06)


  • #851 - Added list view with CSV import/export buttons for CircuitTermination objects.
  • #1633 - Added created and last_updated fields on the VMInterface model. When migrating to this release, these fields will default to None for any pre-existing instances of this model.
  • #2331 - Added job stdout/stderr redirection to database JobLogEntry records.
  • #2331 - Added support to skip job logs from being written to the database.
  • #2901 - Added get_absolute_url method on BaseModel which will attempt to resolve the detail view route for all subclassed models.
  • #3192 - Added a data migration to migrate existing ScheduledJob instances to support new format.
  • #3203 - Added a nautobot-server build_ui command for building the web UI
  • #3237 - Added Node.JS to Docker final image, bundled node_modules to speed up rebuilds.
  • #3615 - Added toggle buttons between Legacy UI and New UI.
  • #3637 - Added pre_delete signal to nullify the device's primary_ip field/fields if its primary ips are removed from interface's ip_addresses m2m field.
  • #3637 - Added pre_save signal to catch invalid operations in manual creations of IPAddressToInterface.
  • #3637 - Added unique_together for through model IPAddressToInterface.
  • #3651 - Added home_url, config_url, and docs_url keys to the /api/plugins/installed-plugins/ REST API endpoint.
  • #3679 - Added optional api argument to BaseModel.get_absolute_url().
  • #3702 - Added basic Redis caching for TreeModel.display to reduce redundant queries when listing such objects.
  • #3708 - Added sorting support to the REST API via the sort query parameter.
  • #3713 - Added celery_kwargs field to JobResult and ScheduledJob models.
  • #3714 - Added support for {"value": "x"} format when writing to ChoiceFields in the REST API, making round-trip data easier.
  • #3715 - Added NautobotCSVParser class, providing the ability for the REST API to accept CSV as an input format.
  • #3715 - Added ability to specify a parent_bay when creating a Device via the REST API.
  • #3715 - Added APIViewTestCases.CreateObjectViewTestCase.test_recreate_object_csv generic test, testing the "round-trip" capability of each API endpoint's CSV export and import.
  • #3715 - Added (temporary) natural_key_field_names to IPAddress, Prefix, RackReservation, ScheduledJob, and Service models.
  • #3721 - Added App provided model view override.
  • #3722 - Added termination_type filter to CableFilterSet.
  • #3722 - Added natural_key_slug field to REST API serializers.
  • #3736 - Added App provided custom route view.
  • #3741 - Added natural-key-slug information to UI detail views.
  • #3754 - Added loading widget to the left of the ObjectListTable Buttons after initial data load.
  • #3759 - Implemented IPAM Namespace & parenting data migrations.
  • #3767 - Added detail-view-config API endpoint to ModelViewSetMixin.
  • #3804 - Added feature to redirect all add and edit views to legacy UI.
  • #3840 - Added bool return value for Nautobot.extras.datasources.git.ensure_git_repository() to indicate whether the filesystem was changed.


  • #1633 - The base class for all tags fields on PrimaryModel subclasses is now nautobot.core.models.fields.TagsField rather than taggit.managers.TaggableManager. Any apps using PrimaryModel as a base class will likely need to generate and run a schema migration to reflect this change.
  • #2331 - Changed JobLogEntry.log_level choices from default, info, success, warning, failure to Python default logging levels debug, info, warning, error and critical.
  • #2331 - Changed job logging from custom log methods on the BaseJob class to celery's get_task_logger logging implementation.
  • #2569 - Revamped CSV export functionality to use REST API serializers for more self-consistency and reduced boilerplate.
  • #2569 - Revised the natural key for SecretsGroupAssociation through-table model.
  • #2569 - Changed behavior of JobLogEntry.display REST API field to match the model behavior.
  • #2799 - Changed REST API versioning to default to latest instead of earliest when unspecified by the client.
  • #3042 - Removed all Nested*Serializer classes in favor of a depth-based REST API design.
  • #3042 - The ?brief=True REST API parameter has been replaced by a new ?depth=<0-10> API parameter, allowing greater control of the returned data.
  • #3228 - Removed run_job Celery task and updated BaseJob to subclass Celery Task.
  • #3449 - Renamed Relationship model attribute slug to key.
  • #3449 - Renamed Relationship model attribute name to label.
  • #3450 - Renamed ComputedField model attribute slug to key.
  • #3465 - Renamed IPAddress prefix_length field to mask_length.
  • #3465 - Made IPAddress host field non-modifiable.
  • #3527 - Restructured navigation menus to context-centered design for 2.0.
  • #3552 - Extracted data tables from into separate YAML files.
  • #3586 - Changed REST API for Device and VirtualMachine to omit config_context by default and only include it when requested by using the ?include=config_context query parameter.
  • #3607 - Changed the default lookup_field for NautobotUIViewSet to "pk" instead of "slug".
  • #3663 - Modified delete_button and edit_button template tags to lookup pk and slug without the need to specify the lookup key.
  • #3679 - Changed BaseModelSerializer to inherit from HyperlinkedModelSerializer instead of ModelSerializer. This changed the REST API representation of related objects (at depth 0) from UUIDs to API hyperlinks to improve discoverability and usability of the API.
  • #3691 - Implemented Meta.list_display_fields for all serializers.
  • #3692 - Updated JobResult manager store_result method to censor sensitive variables.
  • #3702 - Changed nested serialization to never include tags, computed fields, relationships, and other M2M fields.
  • #3713 - Changed Job.read_only field to an informational field set by the job author and removed the ability for administrators to override this field. This field no longer changes the behavior of Nautobot core.
  • #3715 - Reworked CSV import to be based on the REST API implementation instead of custom forms and views.
  • #3715 - Changed the parameters and behavior of CSVDataField and CSVFileField in support of the new CSV import framework.
  • #3715 - Changed the user parameter on the RackReservation REST API to optional; if omitted, the requesting user will now be automatically selected as the owner of any created reservations.
  • #3742 - Centered the LoadingWidget component in UI.
  • #3742 - Lightened the color of the LoadingWidget text to gray-3.
  • #3742 - Lightened the color of the skeleton component when loading tables.
  • #3744 - A batch of improvements to state handling in the UI to solve loading bugs.
  • #3767 - Enhanced error handling for fetcher in React UI ObjectRetrieveView.
  • #3785 - Deprecated StatusModel mixin in favor of directly including a StatusField as needed.
  • #3840 - Changed Job class_path property from <source>/<module>/<ClassName> to simply <module>.<ClassName>.
  • #3840 - Changed GitRepository slugs to use underscores rather than dashes so they can be used as Python module names.
  • #3840 - Changed Job module_name for Git-derived Jobs to <git_repository_slug>.jobs.<module>.
  • #3840 - System-provided Jobs are now enabled by default for running.
  • #3840 - Changed return signature for Nautobot.core.utils.git.GitRepo.checkout() to include whether the filesystem was changed.
  • #3840 - Changed job filter on JobButton, JobHook, JobResult, and ScheduledJob to be name-based rather than slug-based.
  • #3840 - Changed Job.runnable property to not consider whether the job_class is set, as a performance optimization.
  • #3840 - Changed client-side slug construction (legacy UI) to use underscores rather than dashes.


  • #1633 - Removed nautobot.extras.utils.is_taggable; use nautobot.core.models.utils.is_taggable instead.
  • #1633 - Removed backward-compatibility with taggit 1.x Python API; instead of object.tags.set(tag1, tag2, tag3) you must now do object.tags.set([tag1, tag2, tag3]).
  • #1721 - Removed dependency on and usage of django-cacheops.
  • #2331 - Removed custom BaseJob logging methods _log, log, log_debug, log_success, log_info, log_warning and log_failure.
  • #2331 - Removed active_test and failed properties from BaseJob class.
  • #2569 - Removed csv_headers and to_csv() from all models as they are no longer needed.
  • #2885 - Removed changelog_url from ObjectView's context.
  • #3228 - Removed atomic transaction from Jobs.
  • #3228 - Removed support for test_* and post_run methods in Jobs.
  • #3465 - Removed broadcast field from IPAddress.
  • #3527 - Removed NavMenuButton and its subclasses as they are not a part of the 2.0 UI.
  • #3527 - Removed NavMenuTab.weight property as the menu tabs/contexts are not reorderable in 2.0.
  • #3623 - Removed remaining erroneous slug references from tenant.html and tenantgroup.html.
  • #3651 - Removed misspelled verison key from /api/plugins/installed-plugins REST API endpoint.
  • #3679 - Removed explicit url field declarations from most REST API serializers as they are now derived automatically.
  • #3713 - Removed Job.read_only_override, JobResult.obj_type, JobResult.periodic_task_name, and JobResult.task_id fields.
  • #3713 - Removed NautobotFakeRequest and associated methods, variables and logic.
  • #3715 - Removed LocatableModelCSVFormMixin, RoleModelCSVFormMixin, RoleRequiredRoleModelCSVFormMixin, and StatusModelCSVFormMixin classes, as they are no longer needed after reworking how CSV import is handled.
  • #3715 - Removed bulk_create_form_class field from NautobotUIViewSet as it's no longer used or needed.
  • #3715 - Removed model_form and widget_attrs fields from BulkImportView as they are no longer used or needed.
  • #3840 - Removed Job.slug, Job.source, and Job.git_repository database fields.
  • #3840 - Removed source and slug filters for Jobs.
  • #3840 - Removed get_jobs(), get_job_classpaths(), jobs_in_directory() functions.


  • #3437 - Fixed the possibility of inadvertently applying the same Tag to the same object multiple times by adding appropriate uniqueness constraints on the TaggedItem through table.
  • #3518 - Fixed an error seen when running the extras.0061_collect_roles_from_related_apps_roles migration.
  • #3545 - Fixed a bug in Job edit view template where slug was missing, preventing creation from happening.
  • #3592 - Fixed heuristic for duplicate calls to populate_model_features_registry causing skipped updates.
  • #3675 - Fixed job edit form silently failing.
  • #3687 - Fixed a bug in Prefix.reparent_ips() that was too greedy in reparenting IP addresses when child prexies were deeply nested (such as /31)
  • #3702 - Added some missing select_related on DeviceViewSet and PrefixViewSet to improve performance.
  • #3714 - Fixed inability to set null via the REST API on Interface.mac_address and VMInterface.mac_address.
  • #3714 - Fixed inability to set null via the REST API on DeviceType.front_image and DeviceType.rear_image.
  • #3714 - Fixed password being incorrectly marked as a required field when editing a User via the REST API.
  • #3715 - Fixed inability to set the failover_strategy field as unspecified/blank when creating/updating DeviceRedundancyGroup via the REST API.
  • #3715 - Fixed incorrect interim natural key definition for Device and VRF models.
  • #3715 - Fixed the possibility of setting values for nonexistent custom fields via the REST API.
  • #3715 - Fixed incorrect password-handling logic when creating/updating a User via the REST API.
  • #3716 - Fixed an error when attempting to edit a user via the Nautobot admin UI.
  • #3722 - Fixed incorrect filter forms on console-connections, power-connections, and interface-connections list views.
  • #3729 - Fixed a bug that references a non-existent Relationship model attribute in Relationship migration file.
  • #3741 - Fixed missing time-zone information on various Job-related tests in nautobot.extras.tests.test_views.
  • #3741 - Fixed various cable-termination API serializers incorrectly reporting the cable field as writable.
  • #3768 - Fixed new UI homepage breaks if recent object-changes reference objects that no longer exist.
  • #3785 - Fixed undesirable nullability of status fields to correctly match their intended usage.
  • #3786 - Fixed default descriptions of REST API actions in the OpenAPI schema to be more accurate.
  • #3792 - Fixed logging output not being suppressed during unit and integration tests.
  • #3828 - Fixed a bug caused by #3637 that prevents devices with primary_ip from being deleted.
  • #3829 - Fixed build failure caused by registered App missing ui/index.js.
  • #3833 - Fixed build failure caused by registered App missing file or a urlpatterns.
  • #3840 - Removed leftover/non-functional Source tab from job_approval_request.html.
  • #3864 - Fixed cases where Device.role was null, incongruent with the enforcement in the API and UI.


  • #1721 - Removed dependency on django-cacheops.
  • #3672 - Changed napalm dependency to 4.x release in order to allow Netmiko 4.x to install. Dependency resolution resulted in removing the following packages: ciscoconfparse, deprecat, dnspython, loguru, toml, win32-setctime.


  • #3591 - Fixed a few errors in the v2.0 migration documentation.


  • #1633 - Removed monkey-patching of taggit.managers.TaggableManager.
  • #3378 - Re-enabled skipped tests.
  • #3618 - Fix corrupted package-lock.json which was causing test failures.
  • #3650 - Updated ui 2.0 jsconfig.json to exclude node_modules and build directories.
  • #3714 - Added generic test for GET/PUT round-trip in the REST API.
  • #3731 - Fixed debugpy workflow not working with the removal of
  • #3737 - Fixed broken --cache_test_fixtures when running tests.
  • #3740 - Fixed container builds failed resulting from #3731.
  • #3840 - Moved test Jobs from nautobot/extras/tests/example_jobs/test_*.py to nautobot/extras/test_jobs/*.py to avoid unnecessary loading by the unittest runner.

v2.0.0-alpha.3 (2023-04-13)


  • #3337 - Add Namespace model to IPAM.


  • #2915 - Implemented a concrete parent relationship from Prefix to itself.
  • #3337 - Changed Prefix and other model uniqueness to center around Namespace model.
  • #3337 - TODO: Update with many more changes.
  • #3439 - Changed the GraphQL execute_saved_query function's argument from saved_query_slug to saved_query_name.
  • #3523 - Renamed nat_outside field on IPAddress serializer to nat_outside_list for self-consistency.


  • #3439 - Removed slug field from many database models.
  • #3523 - Removed nat_outside getter-setter in IPAddress model.


  • #2316 - Dropped support for Python 3.7. Python 3.8 is now the minimum version required by Nautobot.
  • #2316 - Updated django-auth-ldap dependency to ~4.2.0.
  • #2316 - Updated django-cors-headers dependency to ~3.14.0.
  • #2316 - Updated django-filter dependency to ~23.1.
  • #2316 - Updated django-health-check dependency to ~3.17.0.
  • #2316 - Updated django-tables2 dependency to ~2.5.3.
  • #2316 - Updated django-tree-queries dependency to ~0.14.0.
  • #2316 - Removed direct dependency on importlib-metadata.
  • #2316 - Updated pillow dependency to ~9.5.0.
  • #2316 - Updated prometheus-client dependency to ~0.16.0.
  • #2316 - Updated social-auth-core dependency to ~4.4.1.
  • #2316 - Updated social-auth-app-django dependency to ~5.2.0.
  • #3525 - Added explicit dependency on packaging that had been inadvertently omitted.


  • #2316 - Updated various development-only dependencies to the latest available versions.

v2.0.0-alpha.2 (2023-03-29)


  • #2900 - Added natural-key support to most Nautobot models, inspired by the django-natural-keys library.
  • #2957 - Added Location constraints for objects (CircuitTermination, Device, PowerPanel, PowerFeed, RackGroup, Rack, Prefix, VLAN, VLANGroup, Cluster).
  • #2957 - Added Region and Site data migration to Locations for existing ConfigContext instances.
  • #3066 - Added ForeignKeyWithAutoRelatedName helper class.
  • #3154 - Added ability for tags filters to filter by UUID as well as by slug.
  • #3185 - Added missing user filterset fields.
  • #3222 - Added Site and Region data migration for ConfigContext class and ensured that "Site" LocationType allows the correct ContentTypes.
  • #3256 - Added Site and Region data migration for ComputedFields, CustomFields, CustomLinks, ExportTemplates, ImageAttachments, JobHooks, Notes, Relationships, Webhooks, Statuses and Tags
  • #3283 - Added Site and Region migration to Location for filter data of DynamicGroups.
  • #3360 - Added an alternate approach to updating model feature registry without having to decorate a model with @extras_features.
  • #3364 - Added FK fields migrated_location to Site and Region models before data migration is applied.
  • #3403 - Added support for Nautobot Apps to provide Django Constance Fields for the settings.
  • #3418 - Added ObjectPermission Data Migration from Region/Site to Location.


  • #824 - Renamed slug field to key on CustomField model class.
  • #824 - Changed validation of CustomField key to enforce that it is valid as a GraphQL identifier.
  • #951 - The nautobot-server nbshell command is now based on shell_plus from django-extensions.
  • #1362 - Added type field to Prefix, replacing "Container" status and is_pool field.
  • #2076 - Changed the created field of all models from a DateField to a DateTimeField for added granularity. Preexisting records will show as created at midnight UTC on their original creation date.
  • #2611 - Changed Job model uniqueness constraints and slug field.
  • #2806 - Enhanced VLAN available_on_device filter to permit specifying multiple Devices.
  • #3066 - Changed related_name values for path endpoints on CablePath for consistency and readability (dcim_interface_related to interfaces, circuits_circuittermination_related to circuit_terminations, etc.)
  • #3066 - Changed related_name values for device components on Device for consistency and readability (consoleports to console_ports, devicebays to device_bays, etc.)
  • #3066 - Changed related_name values for device component templates on DeviceType for consistency and readability (consoleporttemplates to console_port_templates, devicebaytemplates to device_bay_templates, etc.)
  • #3066 - Changed DeviceType.instances to devices and renamed the corresponding query filters.
  • #3066 - Changed DeviceRedundancyGroup.members to devices.
  • #3066 - Changed FrontPortTemplate.rear_port to rear_port_template.
  • #3066 - Changed Location.powerpanels to power_panels.
  • #3066 - Changed PowerOutletTemplate.power_port to power_port_template.
  • #3066 - Changed PowerPanel.powerfeeds to power_feeds.
  • #3066 - Changed PowerPort.poweroutlets to power_outlets.
  • #3066 - Changed PowerPortTemplate.poweroutlet_templates to power_outlet_templates.
  • #3066 - Changed Rack.powerfeed_set to power_feeds.
  • #3066 - Changed and Rack.reservations to rack_group and rack_reservations and renamed the corresponding query filters.
  • #3066 - Changed RackGroup.powerpanel_set to power_panels.
  • #3066 - Changed RearPort.frontports to front_ports.
  • #3066 - Changed RearPortTemplate.frontport_templates to front_port_templates.
  • #3066 - Changed SecretsGroup.device_set and SecretsGroup.deviceredundancygroup_set to devices and device_redundancy_groups.
  • #3066 - Changed Tenant.rackreservations to rack_reservations.
  • #3066 - Changed User.rackreservation_set to rack_reservations.
  • #3066 - Changed REST API field on Interface from count_ipaddresses to ip_address_count.
  • #3066 - Changed REST API fields on Manufacturer from devicetype_count and inventoryitem_count to device_type_count and inventory_item_count.
  • #3066 - Changed REST API field on Platform from virtualmachine_count to virtual_machine_count.
  • #3066 - Changed REST API field on PowerPanel from powerfeed_count to power_feed_count.
  • #3066 - Changed REST API field on Rack from powerfeed_count to power_feed_count.
  • #3066 - Changed RackReservation group filter to rack_group.
  • #3154 - Renamed various tag filters to tags for self-consistency.
  • #3160 - Changed logger names to use __name__ instead of explicit module names.
  • #3215 - Changed representation of related Status objects in the REST API to use a NestedStatusSerializer instead of presenting as enums.
  • #3236 - Changed Interface and VMInterface relationship to IPAddress to many-to-many instead of one-to-many.
  • #3262 - Changed extras FKs and related names.
  • #3266 - Changed erroneous attribute "type" to correct "circuit_type" in circuit-related templates.
  • #3302 - Migrated Aggregate model to Prefix with type set to "Container".
  • #3351 - Changed extras abstract model ForeignKeys to use ForeignKeyWithAutoRelatedName.
  • #3354 - Synced in fixes from 1.5.x LTM branch up through v1.5.11.


  • #824 - Removed name field from CustomField model class.
  • #1634 - Removed unnecessary legacy file from Nautobot repository.
  • #2521 - Removed support for storing Git repository credentials (username/token) in the Nautobot database. Use Secrets instead.
  • #2957 - Removed Site constraints for model classes (CircuitTermination, Device, Location, PowerPanel, PowerFeed, RackGroup, Rack, Prefix, VLAN, VLANGroup, Cluster).
  • #2957 - Removed regions and sites attributes from ConfigContext model class.
  • #2957 - Removed region and site related fields from Serializers for aforementioned model classes.
  • #2957 - Removed region and site related fields from Forms for aforementioned model classes.
  • #2957 - Removed region and site related UI and API Endpoints for aforementioned model classes.
  • #2957 - Removed region and site columns from Tables for aforementioned model classes.
  • #2958 - Removed Region and Site factories, filtersets, forms, factories, models, navigation menu items, serializers, tables, templates, tests and urls.
  • #3224 - Removed support for Nautobot "1.x" REST API versions. The minimum supported REST API version is now "2.0".
  • #3302 - Removed Aggregate and migrated all existing instances to Prefix.


  • #633 - Fixed job result not updating when job hard time limit is reached.
  • #1362 - Fixed migrations for Prefix.type.
  • #1422 - Improved OpenAPI schema representation of polymorphic fields such as cable_peer, assigned_object, etc.
  • #2806 - Fixed some issues with initialization and updating of the dynamic ("advanced") filter form.
  • #3066 - Fixed incorrect field_class when filtering FloatField and DecimalField model fields.
  • #3066 - Fixed inability to provide non-integer values when filtering on FloatField and DecimalField fields in GraphQL.
  • #3066 - Fixed inability to specify partial substrings in the UI when filtering by MAC address.
  • #3154 - Fixed incorrect initialization of TagFilter when auto-attached to a FilterSet.
  • #3164 - Merged TaskResult from django-celery-results into JobResult.
  • #3291 - Fixed inheritance and RoleField definition on Role model mixins.
  • #3342 - Fixed BaseFilterSet not using multiple choice filters for CharFields with choices.
  • #3457 - Fixed bug preventing scheduled job from running.


  • #2521 - Removed dependency on django-cryptography.
  • #2524 - Removed no-longer-used drf-yasg dependency.


  • #3255 - Added --cache-test-fixtures command line argument to Nautobot unit and integration tests.
  • #3233 - Removed CeleryTestCase and associated calling code as it is no longer needed.

v2.0.0-alpha.1 (2023-01-31)


  • #1731 - Added missing filters to circuits app.
  • #1733 - Added support for filtering on many more fields to the Tenant and TenantGroup filtersets.
  • #2954 - Added fields (contact_name, latitude, etc.) from Site model to Location model to prepare for merging all sites into locations.
  • #2955 - Added "Region" and "Site" LocationTypes and their respective locations based on existing Site and Region instances.
  • #3132 - Added the ability for apps to register their models for inclusion in the global Nautobot search.


  • #510 - The Region, RackGroup, TenantGroup, and InventoryItem models are now based on django-tree-queries instead of django-mptt. This does change the API for certain tree operations on these models, for example get_ancestors() is now ancestors() and get_descendants() is now descendants().
  • #510 - The UI and REST API for Region, RackGroup, and TenantGroup now provide only the related count of objects (e.g. site_count for Region) that are directly related to each instance. Formerly they provided a cumulative total including objects related to its descendants as well.
  • #510 - Renamed field _depth to tree_depth in the REST API for Region, RackGroup, TenantGroup, and InventoryItem.
  • #510 - Renamed InventoryItem database relation child_items and filter fields child_items and has_child_items to children and has_children respectively.
  • #2163 - JobLogEntry.log_object, JobLogEntry.absolute_url, ScheduledJob.queue, and WebHook.ca_file_path no longer permit null database values; use "" instead if needed.
  • #2822 - Collapsed DeviceRole, RackRole, IPAM Role model and IPAddressRoleChoices into a single generic Role model.
  • #2721 - Collapsed nautobot.utilities into nautobot.core. Refer to the 2.0 migration guide for details.
  • #2788 - Changed REST framework allowed versions logic to support 1.2-1.5 and 2.0+.
  • #2809 - Renamed tag filter on TenantFilterSet to tags same as elsewhere.
  • #2872 - Refactored imports in utilities app to follow new code style.
  • #2955 - Changed CircuitTermination, Device, PowerPanel, RackGroup, Rack, Prefix, VLANGroup, VLAN, Cluster instances associated with existing Site model instances to use the newly created corresponding Locations of LocationType "Site".
  • #2993 - Implemented initial database backend for Celery task results.
  • #3068 - Renamed fields on Circuit model: type to circuit_type, terminations to circuit_terminations, termination_a to circuit_termination_a, and termination_z to circuit_termination_z.
  • #3068 - Renamed reverse-relation circuittermination to circuit_terminations on the CablePath model.
  • #3068 - Renamed group field to vlan_group on VLAN model, renamed ipaddresses to ip_addresses on Service model.
  • #3068 - Renamed group field to tenant_group on Tenant model.
  • #3069 - Renamed foreign key fields and related names in Virtualization and DCIM apps to follow a common naming convention. See v2 upgrade guide for full list of changes.


  • #510 - Removed dependency on django-mptt. Models (Region, RackGroup, TenantGroup, InventoryItem) that previously were based on MPTT are now implemented using django-tree-queries instead.
  • #1731 - Removed redundant filters from circuits app.
  • #2163 - Removed unused NullableCharField, NullableCharFieldFilter and MACAddressField (not to be confused with MACAddressCharField, which remains) classes.
  • #2523 - Removed django-rq dependency and support for RQ workers.
  • #2815 - Removed pycryptodome dependency as it is no longer used.
  • #2993 - Removed NAUTOBOT_CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND environment variable used to customize where Celery stores task results.
  • #2993 - Removed optional settings documentation for CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND as it is no longer user-serviceable.
  • #2993 - Removed optional settings documentation for CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND_TRANSPORT_OPTIONS as it is no longer user-serviceable.
  • #3130 - Removed CSS_CLASSES definitions from legacy ChoiceSets.


  • #1982 - Fixed a UI presentation/validation issue with dynamic-groups using foreign-key filters that aren't explicitly defined in the corresponding FilterForm.
  • #2808 - Fixed incorrectly named filters in circuits app.
  • #3126 - Fixed Interface not raising exception when adding a VLAN from a different Site in tagged_vlans.
  • #3167 - Fixed ObjectChange records not being migrated and legacy_role__name not being a property in Role migrations.


  • #2771 - Updated jsonschema version to ~4.17.0.
  • #2883 - Updated django-taggit to 3.1.0.
  • #2942 - Updated django-tree-queries to 0.13.0.
  • #2943 - Updated dependency rich to ~12.6.0.
  • #3027 - Updated dependencies prometheus-client, django-storages, drf-spectacular, black, django-debug-toolbar, mkdocstrings, mkdocstrings-python, pylint, requests, selenium, watchdog.


  • #204 - Added style guide documentation for importing python modules in Nautobot.


  • #204 - Changed imports to use module namespaces in utilities/
  • #2674 - Updated development dependency black to ~22.10.0.
  • #2803 - Updated mkdocs-include-markdown-plugin to 3.9.1.
  • #2844 - Updated development dependency mkdocstrings-python to 0.8.0.
  • #3153 - Made integration test CableConnectFormTestCase.test_js_functionality more resilient and less prone to erroneous failures.
  • #3177 - Updated VLANFactory to generate longer and more "realistic" VLAN names.
  • #3177 - Fixed a spurious failure in BulkEditObjectsViewTestCase.test_bulk_edit_objects_with_constrained_permission.