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Testing Apps

In general apps can be tested like other Django apps. In most cases you'll want to run your automated tests via the nautobot-server test <app_module> command or, if using the coverage Python library, coverage run --module nautobot.core.cli test <app_module>.


Added in version 1.5.0

The TEST_USE_FACTORIES setting defaults to False when testing apps, primarily for backwards-compatibility reasons. It can prove a useful way of populating a baseline of Nautobot database data for your tests and save you the trouble of creating a large amount of baseline data yourself. We recommend adding factory-boy to your app's development dependencies and settings TEST_USE_FACTORIES = True in your app's development/test to take advantage of this.

Performance Tests

Added in version 1.5.0

Running Performance Tests

You need to install django-slowtests as a part of your app dev dependency to run performance tests. It has a very intuitive way to measure the performance of your own tests for your app (all you have to do is tag your tests with performance) and do invoke performance-test to get the time to run your tests with NautobotPerformanceTestRunner.

NautobotPerformanceTestRunner is used by adding the flag --testrunner nautobot.core.tests.runner.NautobotPerformanceTestRunner to the coverage run command used for unit tests. This flag will replace the default NautobotTestRunner while retaining all its functionalities with the addition of performance evaluation after test runs. Checkout Performance Tests for more detail.

def test_your_app(self)

Gathering Performance Test Baseline Data

If you want to add baselines for your own test to nautobot/core/tests/performance_baselines.yml or have your own baseline yaml file for performance testing, specify a different file path for TEST_PERFORMANCE_BASELINE_FILE in app's development/test, and store the output of invoke performance-test --performance-snapshot command in that file. --performance-snapshot flag will store the results of your performance test to report.yml and all you need to do is copy/paste the result to the file set by TEST_PERFORMANCE_BASELINE_FILE. Now you have baselines for your own tests! Example output of invoke performance-test --performance-snapshot:

  - name: >-
    execution_time: 4.799533
  - name: test_run_missing_schedule (nautobot.extras.tests.test_views.JobTestCase)
    execution_time: 4.367563
  - name: test_run_now_missing_args (nautobot.extras.tests.test_views.JobTestCase)
    execution_time: 4.363194
  - name: >-
    execution_time: 3.474244
  - name: >-
    execution_time: 2.727531

We recommend adding django-slowtests to your app's development dependencies to leverage this functionality to build better performing apps.