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Nautobot classes and utilities for factory boy.


Bases: DjangoModelFactory

Base class for all Nautobot model factories.


Bases: Iterator

Factory iterator that returns a semi-random sampling of boolean values

Iterator that returns a random sampling of True and False values while limiting the number of repeated values in a given number of iterations. Used in factories when a data set must contain both True and False values.


Name Type Description Default
cycle boolean

If True, iterator will restart at the beginning when all values are exhausted. Otherwise raise a StopIterator exception when values are exhausted. Defaults to True.

chance_of_getting_true int

Percentage (0-100) of the values in the returned iterable set to True. Defaults to 50.

length int

Length of the returned iterable. Defaults to 8.



Bases: BaseProvider

Faker provider to generate fake data specific to Nautobot or network automation use cases.


Produce a random IPv6 network with a valid CIDR greater than 0


Bases: BaseModelFactory

Factory base class for OrganizationalModel subclasses.


Bases: BaseModelFactory

Factory base class for PrimaryModel subclasses.


Bases: Faker

nautobot.apps.factory.get_random_instances(model_or_queryset_or_lambda, minimum=0, maximum=None)

Factory helper - retrieve a random number of instances of the given model.

This is different from random_instance() in that it's not itself a lazy function generator, but should instead be called only from within a @lazy_attribute or @post_generation function.

This is not an evenly weighted distribution (all counts equally likely), because in most of our code, the relevant code paths distinguish between 0, 1, or >1 instances - there's not a functional difference between "2 instances" and "10 instances" in most cases. Therefore, this implementation provides: - 1/3 chance of no instances - 1/3 chance of 1 instance - 1/3 chance of (2 to n) instances, where each possibility is equally likely within this range


Name Type Description Default
model_or_queryset_or_lambda Union[BaseModel, QuerySet, func]

Either a model class, a model queryset, or a lambda that returns one of those

minimum int

Minimum number of objects to return

maximum int

Maximum number of objects to return, or None for no limit


nautobot.apps.factory.random_instance(model_or_queryset_or_lambda, allow_null=True)

Factory helper - construct a LazyFunction that gets a random instance of the given model or queryset when evaluated.

TODO: once we have factories for all mandatory foreign keys, change allow_null default to False


Name Type Description Default
model_or_queryset_or_lambda Union[BaseModel, QuerySet, func]

Either a model class, a model queryset, or a lambda that returns one of those

allow_null bool

If False, and the given queryset contains no objects, raise a RuntimeError.


class ObjectFactory(DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = Object exclude = ("has_group,")

# Required foreign key
user = random_instance(User, allow_null=False)

# Optional foreign key
has_group = NautobotBoolIterator()
group = factory.Maybe("has_group", random_instance(Group), None)

# Foreign key selected from a filtered queryset
tenant = random_instance(Tenant.objects.filter(group__isnull=False))

# Foreign key selected from a queryset generated by a lambda
# This needs to be done this way because .get_for_model() evaluates a ContentType queryset,
# and we need to defer evaluation of that queryset as well.
status = random_instance(lambda: Status.objects.get_for_model(Object), allow_null=False)